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Christ the King

This post has been adapted from a sermon I delivered at Ashburton Baptist Church in Melbourne, Australia on 20 November 2022. You can listen here to the recording of the sermon on the Ashburton Baptist Church website. The image of Jesus being crucified on the cross is one Christians are intimately familiar with.  From where we sit today, we know that this was one of the most influential and pivotal moments in human history.  We read of Jesus’ resurrection and the many people who attested to it, we know that Jesus now sits at the right hand of the Father ruling with grace and love… Read More »Christ the King

In the Truth But of the World

This article is part of a series of posts about my experience coming to, being in and leaving the Christadelphian Church and how my faith has grown, developed and evolved since. Whilst I no longer consider myself Christadelphian or aligned to a Christadelphian worldview, it is important to note that these articles are an expression of my personal journey and experience and not from a place of animosity or ill-will to any Christadelphian or the community at large. I have high respect for the commitment Christadelphians have to their faith and am very grateful to those in the community who have had a positive impact… Read More »In the Truth But of the World

Spiritual Practices and the Pandemic

When our first lockdown started and my church went online, I was listening enthusiastically every week.  I was really loving being able to sleep in and watch church whilst making pancakes. However, like many things in this lockdown, the novelty wore of very quickly.  By mid-April, I was sleeping in even more, watching church every 2nd or 3rd week and I wasn’t spending as much time turning my mind to God as I had before.  I think a lot of it can be attributed to the mindfuzz we were all experiencing. I was just pleased I could wake up and feel safe.  My family aren’t… Read More »Spiritual Practices and the Pandemic

Chapter and Verse

This article is part of a series of posts about my experience coming to, being in and leaving the Christadelphian Church and how my faith has grown, developed and evolved since. Whilst I no longer consider myself Christadelphian or aligned to a Christadelphian worldview, it is important to note that these articles are an expression of my personal journey and experience and not from a place of animosity or ill-will to any Christadelphian or the community at large. I have high respect for the commitment Christadelphians have to their faith and am very grateful to those in the community who have had a positive impact… Read More »Chapter and Verse

Decentralised Power and Biblical Leadership: Lessons From Exodus 18

Photo by Jehyun Sung on Unsplash Never see a need… At high school I was in MacKillop house, named after Mary Mackillop who was Australia’s first Catholic saint. At the front of my year 7 classroom, we had Mary Mackillop’s most famous quote: ‘never see a need without doing something about it’. It’s a quote that has stuck with me ever since. My school’s Catholic ethos resulted in a deep commitment to social justice and instilled in me a relentless drive to help others and make the world a better place. I’ve always been a busy person, juggling more than I can properly balance. Knowing… Read More »Decentralised Power and Biblical Leadership: Lessons From Exodus 18